You can't place widgets on a layer different than the UIPanel that manages them. を解決する方法




You can't place widgets on a layer different than the UIPanel that manages them.
If you want to move widgets to a different layer, parent them to a new panel instead.

// このコードは警告が表示される (This code is displayed warning.)

GameObject obj = new GameObject ("SpriteObjName");
UISprite sp = obj.AddComponent <uisprite> ();

sp.atlas  = yourLoadedAtlas;
sp.spriteName  = "yourSpriteName";

obj.transform.parent = GameObject.Find("yourParentOfTheSprite").transform;

// このコードは大丈夫 (This code have not warning.)
UISprite sp = NGUITools.AddSprite ( GameObject.Find("yourParentOfTheSprite"), yourLoadedAtlas, "SpriteObjName" );
sp.spriteName  ="yourSpriteName";

スプライトを作る時は NGUITools.AddSprite を使おう。